Welcome to Camelot Pet Center

Telemedicine visits offer numerous benefits for pets and their owners. By eliminating the need for travel and waiting room stress, telemedicine appointments provide a more comfortable and convenient experience for pets. This reduces anxiety and fear, allowing pets to remain in their familiar environment, which can lead to more accurate assessments of their health. Additionally, telemedicine allows for timely access to veterinary care, enabling pet owners to address concerns promptly and potentially prevent minor issues from escalating into more serious health problems. Furthermore, telemedicine appointments promote better communication between veterinarians and pet owners, fostering a collaborative approach to pet care that prioritizes the well-being of furry companions. Overall, telemedicine visits offer a modern, efficient, and effective way to ensure that pets receive the care they need while minimizing stress and inconvenience for both pets and their owners.


Telemedicine Consultations

Convenient telemedicine consultations for easy pet care

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule a telemedicine consultation?

You can easily schedule a telemedicine consultation by contacting our office and we'll guide you through the process.

How do I make Payment for Services?

Payment can be made easily on our website via our payment page.  Or you can venmo Dr. Sims via Petvet last 4 digits 2567

How Long has Dr. Sims Been in Business?

Dr. Sims has been serving the Bountiful area for over 50 years.  He has years of expertise.

“I've been using Camelot Pet Center for my pet's healthcare needs and I couldn't be happier. The telemedicine services have been a game-changer for me, making it so much easier to get the care my pet needs without the stress of a traditional vet visit.”

— Samantha R.

Contact us

Have a question? Contact us today for more information on our services and to schedule an appointment.


Camelot Pet Center
Bountiful, UT United States

About us

Camelot Pet Center is a leading veterinary practice dedicated to providing compassionate care for pets in Bountiful, Utah. Our team of experienced veterinarians and support staff are committed to offering personalized, high-quality care for your furry family members.